Dance Marathon
An annual philanthropy and event that is hosted at Boise State University is Dance Marathon! Dance Marathon is a cause that donates all proceeds towards St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital of Boise.
Officers of Dance Marathon came and spoke at one of our Chapters and our group took off running. We ended up raising over $600 for Dance Marathon by the time the event came up!
A lot of our Brothers ended up going to the event, dancing, and spending time investing into the children of St. Luke’s and it was inspirational for all of our brothers to see the children that were there to have a good time and looked up to us.
Dance Marathon ended up raising $42,917.48 for St. Luke’s and by all means being apart of such an amazing opportunity sets the ground work for the way we as Sigma Phi Epsilon will continue to give back to our community and be involved in events around campus.
Philanthropy Week
For our Chapter this week we have spent time out in the quad raising money for our philanthropy – Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Boise Idaho. We decided to give back to our National Philanthropy this semester and can’t wait to have our total from this week so far. With the Chapter still having Friday 4/7, we have one more event for one final push for our total raised.
We also have brothers who intend to become Big Brothers through the program and we can’t wait to see how brothers continue to be involved in the community and invest in the Next Generation!